
We don't choose our family, our parents, our childhood. And most probably, people that were once our role models, aren't our heroes anymore. We realize they are also flawed human beings, just like us. The damage can never be undone but still we all have a gift of choice. A choice to move on. If the past is dragging you down so much, just have a reality check that no matter how badly you want, you won't change the past. It cannot be altered. Only your attitude can be changed. So, take that bold step and move on! Forgive yourself. Forgive them.

“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.”
― Mark Twain

If you want to move on, you have to let go of all that's holding you back, all those emotions of hurt. Because all the emotions that we suppressed, it's still stored in our body. And it will show up again and again until it's fully processed properly. It's all unconscious, and until we become aware of it, and express it, it'll hold us down. Letting go is an act of forgiveness itself. Don't forgive because you just want to be morally good, forgive because you are finally now letting yourself be your authentic self, doing what speaks to your soul and being happy again, trust me that's the biggest comeback! Forgiveness also comes with an understanding that everything is perfect, every person has led you to this moment, and that right now, you are perfect just as you are. Flaws aren't scars anymore; they are jewels that shine your soul. So, stop dimming your light, forgive and go shine!


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