The art of gratitude is the most beautiful skill one can have. The appreciation for all things, big or small, the thankful heart for just living in this very big universe. Gratitude can change your perspective of the world. Your vibration decides your reality. According to the scale of consciousness proposed by David Hawkins, Gratitude comes in the higher vibration. If you are constantly negative, you will constantly attract negative experiences. If you vibrate at higher level, you are going to attract the experiences aligned with your vibration.

Thoughts create your reality. According to the mirror principle of reality, whatever you will focus on, you are going to attract. Whatever you will present to this reality mirror, you are going to attract the same situations and experiences. Think of it as, every time you are thinking feelingly, the universe says, As You Wish. And that is the reason why gratitude can literally change your whole life. 
Gratitude creates an abundant mindset. If you are constantly in the lower vibration of lack, well that's what you are going to attract. But if you are in abundant mindset, you are going to attract more of that. 

How can you practice gratitude?
Start simple. Just as you wake up, list 5 things that you are really grateful for. Find simple things that you should be thankful for. If you are still breathing and all your organs work perfectly, well you have more than enough to be grateful for. Gratitude is the most simple and easy way to raise your vibration. It's not any rocket science and hence you can practice it every day.



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