Healing The Self🌟


Riding in the waves of life's ocean, all the highs and the lows, we somehow forget the self. The self-that's carrying the never expected expectations and the heart that has been hurt enough to never feel again. The soul that is carrying the forgotten dreams, lullabies and the ache to set our spirit free. 

According to Wikipedia, the self is the relationship of an individual's own being, knowledge and values. Well, the Self is all that you are in this moment, your Physical Body, Your Soul behind this physical vessel, The Mind which is just a small spark of god's manifestation magic. All this constitutes the Self.

We all have the power to heal ourselves. Healing doesn't mean changing yourself.
Even the moon has scars but it's light shimmers the whole night sky. Healing the self includes healing the mind, healing the body and healing the soul. It's a process of letting go of the darkness within while continuing to build your new life. Somedays it's like crying and some day's it's dancing like a child. There is no right or wrong way to do it, as long as you are committed, that's all matters.

Healing the body, mind and soul
All the traumas are accumulated in your body. Since you're living, your heart is beating. Since you were born, your eyes are blinking; if your body can work for you without taking breaks, nonstop, only for you, don't you think it deserves a little bit of your love and care? Do you even know how to slow down, the moments in which you feel so anxious, when you are disconnected from your body, do you even realize the power of your breathing? The world today is designed to keep you stuck, unhealthy, ignore using your own intellect and blindly follow. If you want to heal yourself, the first thing that you need is self-awareness and understanding of your own self. Self-Acceptance will set you free. Your needs, your wants, your strengths and your weaknesses. There are several ways in which you can heal yourself. I will explain each of them in my upcoming blogs, so stay tuned!


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