Meditation is an ancient mindfulness practice. It is a self-awareness tool used to gain clarity and emotional calm. In this fast-paced world, meditation can help us in being connected to ourselves. Most of the time, our focus is on the outside, the external. We almost forget that there is also an inner world inside us. We are merely addition of all our thoughts, feelings, perceptions and the conclusions that we draw from our outside world. If we never pause and re-evaluate our belief system, we will always be controlled by an invisible force constituting our fears, anxieties and self-sabotage.

And that is the reason why meditation is so essential if we want to break free of our limiting mind. Research has shown it can reduce stress and can overall improve our quality of life. I know it's over hyped but it's still an underrated practice. So, if you want to start your journey of meditation, get ready for your life to be changed because it definitely will.

So, here are some of the types of meditation that you can start your journey with:

This kind of meditation is perfect for beginners. in this kind of meditation, a teacher guides you through calming thoughts and deep breathing to help you relax and just be present in the moment. 

Mantra meditation is a form of meditation that involves the repetition of a specific sound, word, or phrase, known as a mantra. This practice has roots in various spiritual and religious traditions, but it is also widely used in secular and contemporary mindfulness practices.


In body scan meditation, attention is systematically directed to different parts of the body, often starting from the toes and moving up to the head. The goal is to cultivate awareness of physical sensations.


Rooted in Buddhist traditions, mindfulness meditation involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It often includes observing the breath, sensations, thoughts, and emotions.



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